
In September 2021, the Additional Learning Needs and Education Tribunal (Wales) Act (ALNET) changed the way people aged 0-25 with Additional Learning Needs (ALN) are supported in education.
At the heart of ALNET is the commitment to place the child at the centre of everything. This suits us perfectly at Ysgol Sant Baruc: we’re totally committed to that exact principle. 
ALNET's aim is to provide fully inclusive education for children and young people in Wales, where needs are identified early, and addressed quickly. 


What are Additional Learning Needs?

To determine whether a child has Additional Learning Needs, school asks two questions.

1) Does a child have a learning difficulty or disability? and also

2) Does that learning difficulty or disability require Additional Learning Provision?

If the answer to both questions is 'yes', then school considers that child to have Additional Learning Needs. 


What is an Individual Development Plan?

The IDP is a legal document which describes a child or young person’s additional learning needs, the support they need, and the outcomes they would like to achieve.  

It is a “plan” because it not only describes the ALN, but it also plans the action that must be taken for the child or young person.  It also provides a record against which a child or young person’s progress can be monitored and reviewed.

The IDP is intended to be a flexible document.  It will vary in length and complexity depending on the different needs of the child or young person.

The IDP will be reviewed every 12 months and will change according to the child or young person changing needs. It may be reviewed sooner than 12 months if necessary. 


Support for Parents

The Additional Learning Needs process can seem daunting. We get that. Our aim is to work with you throughout the process of identifying needs and working out what provision is required to ensure progress and to review progress to refine our next steps.

If you want more information, click the links below to download advice and guidance provided which is independent from the school. You’ll find explanations of the process as well as breakdowns of lots of terminology you might come across. 

Document: ALN Parent Guide

Document: Guidance for Parents

Document: Guidance for Pupils

Document: Help for Parents

Document: Holos ALN Parent Guide

SNAP Cymru are an organisation that exist to support parents of children with Additional Learning Needs and offer a broad range of services and advice. 

Local Authority

The Local Authority have additional information about Additional Learning Needs which can be found on this website

The Index is the Vale of Glamorgan's voluntary register of children and young people with disabilities or additional needs. They have information and share a list of activities with parents regularly. Find out more by clicking this link.